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Copywriting Techniques That Supercharge Conversion Rates

You’re spending real money on SEO, your website is a good looking, easy to navigate wonder site – and yet your conversions are still low. Just a percent or two jump in your conversion rates would make your bottom line bulge, and you’re doing everything right – so why low sales?

It’s probably your copy! Professional copywriting techniques change everything. Why should you believe it? Because this guide to supercharging your website conversions is written by a pro copywriter who’s seen client after client increase their sales simply by changing the wording of their website. Here’s what you need to know.


Because is the most under-utilised word in the world of copywriting. It’s all about giving them a reason to believe you, to trust you and to choose you. Surprisingly, it doesn’t always have to be a good reason – sometimes just a ‘because’ is enough to increase your sales conversion.

The well-known study by Dr Ellen Langer, Social Scientist, found that just adding a reason persuaded people to take actions they wouldn’t usually take. For small requests a good reason converted to a positive result 94% of the time. A bad reason, surprisingly resulted in a 93% conversion rate.

Good copywriting techniques always include an element of proof. Your website should prove that you’re trustworthy, effective and desirable.

Good copywriting is never about you

Your product is feature packed, so you tell them all about each feature and shout about the fact that your product is totally awesome. This is the most common mistake business make with their copy! It’s not about you. It’s not about your product. It’s all about the audience’s needs and how the product benefits them and solves their problems.

A great example is the original Ipod. Instead of launching with: “Our product features a whopping (back then) 5 gig hard drive and is the size of a deck of cards….” Ipod launched with:

“1000 songs, in your pocket”

It showed customers exactly what the benefit was to them, told them exactly why they needed this product and gave the media a catchphrase that they adored – so Apple got itself a flurry of free PR. You need to stand out from your competition, demonstrate why you’re the only choice and show them that you’re the only choice for them.

If you haven’t created your product’s ‘value proposition’ yet, it’s time. This will help you clarify where you need to focus your copy.

Buyer personas

This is about really knowing your market and then segmenting it to target with laser precision. Let’s say you sell football boots. By targeting ‘everyone who plays football’ you’re missing your mark. Some of your boots will be sold to mothers of school aged children. Some will be sold to ‘weekend footy warriors’ who play in the park with their mates, others to semi-pro players who practice every single day. They’re all looking for something different.

Research your market and then segment it by the different markets you’re selling into. Answer their needs exactly. You can then segment your mailing list, the content on your website and your social media activity – all to NAIL your audience!

Pain points and desires

What does your audience fear most? What do they desire more than anything in the world? These are the real reasons for purchasing your product. Does your shopper fear injury or desire football fame and fortune? If it’s football fame and fortune, is it about a big house or pretty girls? Does he worry about what his friends think of his boots or is he more concerned with how they’ll help protect his ankles from sports injuries? Understanding fears and aspirations will help you shape the language you use in your copy.

Purchase cycles

There’s a big difference between a shopper and a buyer. Your customer is the mother of a boy just starting out in the Under 7s local footy team. She’s never bought football boots before. She has no idea what makes a good football boot for her young son’s growing feet. What she doesn’t want is web copy that forces her to BUY NOW without the information she needs.

If she is Googling ‘best football boots for children’, chances are she wants to land on a blog entry or a fact sheet that gives honest and useful information. Make sure that your keyword targeting matches the information she receives. Then, give her a step by step way to assess your product and take the next desired action. Help her buy, don’t force her to!

Action and distraction

I’ve loaded my cart, I’ve entered my details, and I’m on the final step. I’m about to give you my credit card details and bam… gift wrapping, discount coupons, fifty different postage options… let me click away and find out more. NOPE.

Be sure that your conversion process is clear, simple and gives your shoppers one single, distraction free way to hand over their money! At every stage of the research and purchase process, you should be telling them clearly exactly what needs to be done next. Decide on the steps you need them to take and create a funnel that is distraction free and easy to follow. Experiment with different buttons, colours, calls to action and copy to make sure you’re getting the best results possible. Most of all, keep it simple. Make sure that you’re explaining benefits and actions concisely and clearly.

Tracking success

Strong copywriting techniques are not about putting it out there and hoping for sales. Track your success and failure carefully. Know your numbers. Know your break even value, your ROI, and your data (backwards!) so you can measure your copywriting techniques and make informed decisions.

Your biggest problem with mastering copywriting techniques….

Not everyone is a writer. You can add elements and do an OK job but would you be thrilled by an OK sales rep? Would you be delighted with an OK sale? Brilliant copywriters don’t just apply the right copywriting techniques, they have a flair for word-smithing. The clever use of language is what gets your readers to keep on reading. If you don’t have the right voice, talk to Media Heroes. We can help you get the right copywriter for your brand.