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Growth Booster: Spice Up Your Google My Business Profile With Blogs

Google is the search tool of choice for almost 95% of Australians.1 With such large numbers, and so many people finding businesses through Google, optimising your Google My Business (GMB) profile can create a point of difference that nudges you ahead of your competitors.

A highly effective optimisation (and one that is often overlooked) is adding your blog to Google My Business, which displays your latest posts in a carousel. This makes your GMB profile much more eye-catching, and if you cover topics that are relevant and genuinely valuable to your prospects and customers, they can vastly increase your credibility and encourage people to click through to your website. It can also result in your blogs being indexed more quickly by Google, so that they show up faster in search results. Win-win!

From the outset, adding blogs to your GMB profile appears to be a manual process. But thankfully, there’s a clever tool you can use to automate the process—dlvr.it (pronounced “deliver it”). Once set up, every new blog that you publish will also be added to your GMB profile, and you can expect more leads to click through to your site.

Here’s how it’s done.

Time and cost

Dlvr.it is a free tool that can be set up in around 10 minutes. Once done, it’ll do its work without any input. Huzzah!

What you need

You’ll need two things to complete this process:

  • The Google account/login that you use for Google My Business
  • A dlvr.it account

Google My Business blog—how to set it up


  1. First, we need to get the URL of your blog’s RSS feed. Go to your website in a browser, and then add “/feed” to the end of the URL. Here’s an example for our own website:

Blog feed URL

If this doesn’t work, your blog may be on a subdomain, or is stored in a different folder. If that’s the case, go to the blog itself in a browser, and add “/feed” to the end of that instead. For example:

Subdomain blog feed URL

When the page is loaded, complete a search (CMD+F or CTRL+F in Chrome) for the title of one of your blogs. If it appears in the code, the feed is correct. Keep this page open for now.

  1. Create an account on dlvr.it.

dlvrit signup

  1. Sign in using the new account, click on “Socials” in the top menu bar, and then the “Add Social.”

dlvrit add social

  1. Click on the blue GMB button (the house/store with the G in it) to connect your GMB profile.

dlvrit connect social

  1. Sign into using your GMB account.

dlvrit connect gmb

  1. Once signed in, select your location (if there are multiple locations), and click “Connect.”

dlvrit select gmb location

  1. Click on “Feeds,” in the top menu bar. Now copy the URL for your website’s feed (completed in step 1), and add the URL to the “Auto post from a site…” search field on dlvr.it, shown below.

dlvrit autopost field

  1. When the search result appears underneath, click the “Connect” button on the right-hand side.

dlvrit paste feed

  1. Once the feed is connected, click on the greyed out “Connect Socials” link.

dlvrit blog feed

  1. Click the blue GMB button.

GMB connect socials

  1. Click on the text field next to “Your Routes,” and type “Blog posts to GMB” or something else that will help you identify the feed in future. Then click on the “Start Posting” button on the bottom right.

dlvrit your routes

  1. The next screen will show details of the GMB feed. Click on the small “settings” icon on the right (shown below) to customise how the blogs feed through to your GMB profile.

dlvrit feed settings

  1. Set the feed details, frequency, and other settings as shown below.

dlvrit feed detail

dlvrit update settings

  1. If you’d like to better understand how the feed works, read the “trickle” info shown below.

dlvrit trickle off

  1. You’re done! Your GMB profile will now start showing the latest blogs you have posted on your website.

How to manually add your blogs to GMB

If you’d prefer to add your blogs manually rather than relying on a separate tool such as dlvr.it, you can do so by following these instructions.

  1. Log into your GMB account, and click on “Posts” in the left hand menu.

gmb home

  1. Click on the “Add Update” link/button in the top bar

gmb add update button

  1. Add a photo for your blog. A landscape photo (wider than it is tall) is the best format.
  2. Add the title of your blog in the “Write your post” field.
  3. Click the “Add a button” dropdown, select “Learn more,” and then paste the URL to your blog in the “Link for your button” field.

gmb create post

  1. Click “Publish,” and you’re done!

Further reading


  1. Search Engine Market Share Australia, Statcounter