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Web Video FAQs – YES, Your Business Needs Them

Of course, Media Heroes offers a variety of video production services– just putting that out there.

Web videos are now pretty much compulsory for some industries

• Travel and holidays. Up to 87% of people planning a holiday will use YouTube or Vimeo to plan their trip. At the first stage, they’ll use video to check out destinations, then they’ll go on to view individual providers like hotels and restaurants.

• Retail. Video ‘look books’ are highly searched. Gone are the days of the look book catalogue that arrived with a thud in your letterbox costing tens of thousands of dollars to produce. A new look book each season showcases what you do and gets customers excited about spending on your products.

• Complex Services. Some services require a tedious ten thousand word article to explain their benefits and features – or one simple 2 minute ‘to camera’ video. Got a dry, boring product that everyone needs (hello, we’re Brisbane’s favourite SEO company)? A friendly face explaining the core benefits cuts through all the confusion.

How you can use video for your kind of business

Video is relevant at all stages of the purchase decision. From explaining broad concepts concisely to specific concepts in depth, video is the new go-to format. As an added bonus, search engines love and respect content diversity – so no web video is ever wasted! Not convinced?

Floor tiles – every marketer’s worst nightmare

You may not know this but floor tiles are amongst the hardest products on earth to market. You may have noticed how every floor tile ad on the radio has jingles, bells, whistles and silly voices. That’s because there’s not much else traditional media can do. Here’s why:

• Floor tiles are unbranded – you can’t do much to make them uniquely desirable when every shop sells roughly the same items.

• The industry is cut-throat, competing mostly on price.

• There are approximately one billion floor tile retailers because they have a nice big mark up.

• Selling them is labour intensive as buyers often need a lot of education for their small purchase.

• They take up massive amounts of space so inventory and overheads can be hard to manage.

Video that overcomes objections and provides answers

Creating video that overcomes individual objections (ask your sales team what customers’ concerns are) will help them feel comfortable in the research process. You can optimise your YouTube Channel for specific keywords so that your videos show up in search results. Imagine hearing “your tiles are more expensive than your competitor” ten times a day but then offering a video demonstration of why your tiles are superior in quality and appearance!

Video that gets buyers excited about your tiles

• Creating video that demonstrates before and after looks will grab female researchers (statistically women do more research in the purchase process).

• Video look books will help customers get excited about new decorating options.

• Styling tip videos will help people envisage what they want from their tiles.

• Video that sets you apart in the eyes of professional tilers will bring in more wholesale clients.

Video that educates and empowers customers

Nobody likes feeling ignorant when talking to a sales representative. Educating your customers is a big step in helping them feel empowered to buy from you.

• Video ‘how-to’ guides will help customers understand the task ahead and arm them with the right questions.

• Video tips on avoiding mistakes will build buyer confidence.

• Video that shows your team working will encourage brand loyalty and add a human quality to a generic product.

• Troubleshooting guides will help customers come back to you for additional products.

• Video using content provided by customers (like before and after shots or testimonials) will re-enforce your image as a ‘friendly and recommended’ business.

• Practical help, such as estimating the number of tiles you will need, will make the sales process quicker and simpler for staff.

The marketing benefits of web videos

Unlike written content, videos can be used in multiple places without getting slapped with a ‘duplicate content’ penalty. That means you can upload to your Vimeo and YouTube channels, upload direct to Facebook (for MASSIVE reach), embed in your website and include links in your newsletters. You can even do outreach to style bloggers, trades organisations and interior decorators offering them content to publish on your behalf (excellent for both branding and SEO ).

Web video also works because visitors to your site can opt to click on a video instead of reading a whole lot of text – helping to grab their attention and keep it. Web video is a versatile, compelling and surprisingly easy option for marketers, from the traditionally fabulous fashion video to creating brands from tiles.

What you might not realise is how affordable and enjoyable video production can be! You could uncover your inner director or stylist while building brand new audiences. Isn’t it worth learning more? Talk to one of our Heroes today!